The Balloon that Changed the World
The smell of the Michigan shoreline in its late autumnal dress still holds strong in my memory. The sun was setting far off to the south more than west these days and it seemed to put additional stress on the already slanted clouds that were quickly heading away from the chilled northwest wind. My boots were covered with the damp shoreline sand and that same damp shoreline spirit seemed to be hanging on me like a wet cotton sheet. I’d been struggling with school for some time. At 19 years old, the questions seemed to far outpace the answers and in my usual manner, I chose escape and avoidance to deal with them. I was by fate allowed to enroll in an honors curriculum at the university I was attending and found it confusing. If the professors thought you were smart, you’d do well in coursework without even having to think. First choice in class assignments, great leeway in grading, cream-of-the-crop professors. Grade point was p...