Opinions Are Like...
I was asked my opinion on an issue that a local news outlet had posted. The article centered on the topics of physical accessibility, human dignity, and financial responsibility. Those subjects were offered in the context of the needs of one student with a medical condition. My introduction to the article was a big headline about a lawsuit with a primary visual being the offending building and a secondary, smaller, poorly composed image of a student that appeared to be harvested from a social media channel. The bias was immediately established. Issues aside, the thing that smacked me in the face were the responses that people offered on the motives, needs, and realities of physical difference in our society. If a society is truly judged by how it cares for the least of its members, then this small society of opinions is doomed. Now, I know better than to ask a crowd a complex question, and while Malcom Gladwell takes pride in his book “The Wisdom of ...